Pandemic days, and birthdays

Today is my birthday. I don’t say this as an enticement to comment and wish me a happy day, as I have few followers and expect nothing from the disclosure. It’s just another day really, since there will be no dinner out, or long weekend to get away from home and do something different. It's... Continue Reading →

Hair and Aging

I've been thinking about hair. I mean, what woman hasn't spent hours (if not years) of her life thinking about hair? I know they're out there, but in my experience most of us spend a total of too much time thinking about, worrying about, fussing over and fixing our hair. Is it stylish? Is it... Continue Reading →

What is this, and why?

It’s a good question. Today, ageing seems to be having a moment. Older women and men are on the catwalk and in the ads, and conversations about ageism are popping up all over my news feed. Sites like Senior Planet, Next Avenue,  Ageist and others are holding conversations about life after 50, and it’s different from what... Continue Reading →

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