Busy hands

I think I must be the least frequent blogger in existence, but there's a reason for it. I have a lot to do besides write my thoughts! I think them, and I sometimes think that I should write something, but before I can, I'm on to the next thing. Usually something that involves my hands.... Continue Reading →

Pandemic days, and birthdays

Today is my birthday. I don’t say this as an enticement to comment and wish me a happy day, as I have few followers and expect nothing from the disclosure. It’s just another day really, since there will be no dinner out, or long weekend to get away from home and do something different. It's... Continue Reading →

Beginning Again

I'm going to give this one more chance. Last year was excellent in many ways, and also really challenging. So far this year looks pretty good, though it's early days yet. The challenging parts made me close up. I didn't want to talk about it, but I couldn't just write things and pretend nothing was... Continue Reading →

I have a bone to pick…

  "There’s a fine line between aging well, with style, and trying too hard." I've read some variation on this line several times lately. Too many times, actually. Almost all of them were in articles on websites that supposedly target women of a "certain age" - my age. Most of them mean to be "age... Continue Reading →

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

Ciao Italia!

After a little over five years, we're returning. Not so much to Rome this time, but we are heading back to Italy. I loved the time we spent there, and have been itching to go back. This time we'll spend several days with Milan as our base, as my significant other has to work for... Continue Reading →

Happy…here we go again!

Nope, I’m not depressed or being negative. It just seems that as the years pass, they go by more quickly and all in all are more similar than they were before. Maybe that’s because the kids are older/not home and not setting the pace for daily life anymore. There’s a similarity to my days and... Continue Reading →


I’m alone this week. My partner is away on a work trip until Saturday. My kids are, and have been, elsewhere for some time. Thanksgiving has just passed, Christmas is right around the corner. The house is quiet and not, at the same time. It rings with the sound of memory. Laughing, arguing, hurrying, playing,... Continue Reading →

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